Tag Archives: NYC

Find Your FUN.

Tchotchke Tuesday brought to you by photographer: Katie Aaberg

Tchotchke Tuesday brought to you by photographer: Katie Aaberg

Fun isn’t something that is given or done to you, it is something you allow yourself to experience.

As adults, we often get so caught up in “grown up” business we can forget how to have pure, unadulterated F-U-N. This isn’t the kind of fun that comes from doing a specific kind of activity or being in a specific mood for fun. Rather, this is the fun born from the state of pure being. We see this kind of fun in small children who are so busy being fully present to their lives & in their own bodies that the glow of fun radiates from them just because they are alive: the delight that flashes across the eyes of a child who discovers water flows with the turn of the tap knob, or the squeal of pleasure from a young baby whose tongue is being tickled by cold ice cream; then there’s the full, infectious laughter of a child watching the same hat trick for the fiftieth time.

Back when we were children, this experience of pure delight didn’t have to come from a heightened, heady event in order for us to feel like our day had been made; and it can be that way for us again – IF we’re willing to remember & reconnect with the part of ourselves that knows how to be in the flow of fun.

You can begin this process by reminiscing on what was fun for you as a child. Think about what caused you to giggle in delight, or wriggle in pleasure, or burst into endless laughter that you couldn’t sit up straight no matter how much you wanted. Try spending a few moments with each memory & really feel what it was like to be in those experiences – allowing that feeling of pure fun to wash over you. It lives, in you – that feeling. It can’t be bottled, manufactured, or sold. You just have to call it back up in order to experience it again.

Pure fun happens when we’re fully engaged with ourselves & our world in every moment. It’s the spontaneous delight bubbling from us when we let go just long enough to bring it through; it’s the experience of natural, organic pleasure springing up from our bellies, through our souls, up through our faces down to our toes. We’ve naturally known how to have pure fun since we were babies & the flicker of lights caused us to jump to attention from the sheer enjoyment of being able to see. Approach your life today with the knowledge that pure fun isn’t something given or done to you; rather, it’s something you allow yourself to experience. So, get to spreading those fun wings & remember to stop sweating the small stuff, instead, embrace & turn these things on their head. WARNING: Once you start, you’ll have a hard time stopping.

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Modern Monday: Inspiration.

Modern Monday on eyewash

Modern Monday on eyewash

Inspiration is a gift we honor by sharing, thus serving to inspire others. Sharing your ideas is the first step toward manifesting them. You may choose to be like the wind that spreads the seeds of wildflowers, but doesn’t stay to see the growth. However, you might better serve the world if you carefully plant your ideas in fertile ground & then nurture them with consistent attention. Today let’s do our best to see that our ideas are given every chance to make a difference in the world.

Each of us possesses a unique combination of ideas & talents. Once we know what these are, we know which steps we must take to bring our ideas to fruition. This includes seeking people whose ideas & talents complement our own, as well as the individuals or groups we think might help us with their creation & implementation. In working together, we accomplish much more than we would alone. By doing this, we place our trust in the organizing power of the universe, knowing it can bring the right people to us in the most unexpected ways. By taking these steps, we’re doing our best to share our inspired visions with the world & nurture them into manifestation.

Think carefully about what makes you feel happy. What gives you energy? Is it the sun? Try removing your curtains for a season to allow for a sunlit drenched room. You might be surprised at how differently this particular room now feels & also how you begin to use it in ways you never thought abut previously. Not only will you become more energized, but ideas will begin to flow, inspiring you in ways you never imagined. Whether it’s a love of art, architecture, gardening, pottery or painting, taking time to implement it into your routine will invigorate, inspire and renew. Remember: it doesn’t have to be BIG, only begun. For some instant booty-shakin’ inspiration, give this little diddy a listen and remember to have fun! Sometimes you don’t know what you’ll get when a Lamb sings and tries to do the watusi at the same time.

For some design inspiration, peruse some of these wonderfully talented artists’ work:

Interior Designer / Prop & Set Style Guru Marcus Hay’s Fluff-n-Stuff

The eternally happy Artist D Byron Patterson’s Lamby Lambpants and Friends

Former Prop, Interior & Tabletop Styling maven and artist Michele Michael’s Elephant Props

Brooklyn-based writer, Grace Bonney’s Design Sponge

Comedian, Writer, Performer, Stylist & Interior Decor Doctor, PJ Mehaffey’s Blog-a-Dazzle

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Ridding Yourself from Complications.

Serene Sunday on eyewash

Serene Sunday on eyewash

Regular periods of sleep are key to a healthy body and a clear mind as it is during sleep that your body renews itself.

When life gets busy, sleep is often the first activity we sacrifice. Considered a luxury by many busy people, sleep is actually as vital to sustaining a balanced life as are breathing, eating, and drinking. Getting sufficient sleep can be a potent energizer, just as not getting enough sleep can leave you feeling drained and sluggish. While eight hours is the average amount of sleep for which most adults should generally aim, the right amount of sleep varies upon the individual. Some people may thrive on just four hours, while others don’t feel well rested unless they’ve slept for ten hours. How much we sleep also varies, depending upon where we are in life. Young people often need more sleep, while Elders may need less. However, the benefits of sleep always stay the same. Regular & consistent periods of wakefulness / sleep are key ingredients to fostering a healthy body & a clear mind. After all, it’s during sleep that your body renews itself.

The ability to forgo sleep is considered by some to be an asset. But, while it may seem the nighttime hours can be better used for more productive activities, sleep in itself is extremely productive. During sleep, your body & psyche are both regaining their strength for the coming day. You may even have the unique opportunity to explore the hidden recesses of your personality while you dream. Meanwhile, your long-term memories are reinforced.

Many cultures engage in an afternoon siesta. Taking a nap is refreshing & can increase both productivity and creativity. Author Lewis Carroll is said to have conceived his idea for Alice in Wonderland while dreaming. A good night’s sleep also has been known to bring with it the gifts of clarity, wisdom, and a fresh perspective. Even the ancient Greeks thought of sleep as a gift from the gods. Giving yourself the gift of peaceful slumber, you’ll likely find yourself feeling alert, refreshed & ready for life’s challenges. You may also find yourself feeling more centered, thoughtful, and aware throughout the day so you can live your full potential. No matter what your ongoing complications may be, try and take time to mend yourself this weekend.

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Audacious and Bold.

Striking Saturday on eyewash.

Taking small risks in life teaches us when to take big ones by helping us fine-tune our intuition. When we weigh the rewards & consequences of emotional risks such as asking someone out on a date, asking for a raise, daring to share a piece of artwork, or installing say, a porch swing in our living room, we can see that the benefits usually outweigh the negatives.

There are times when our sense of fear is guiding us correctly, however, we can only learn to understand our inner compass by using it regularly in safe situations and paying attention to the results. As we learn to stretch boundaries, we’re learning to be less concerned about the opinions of others & more about perfecting the art of taking appropriate risks that will allow us to more fully become the people we are meant to be.

Often, it’s easier to practice this newly discovered audaciousness in our homes. Daring to be bold and taking risks can easily be implemented within the walls of our own homes. With each brazen step, no matter how unconventional it may at first seem, we take an opportunity to test these bold decisions upon the fellow inhabitants & visitors to our space. Doing so will bestow courage to implement this outside our normal comfort zones. Remember, baby steps eventually lead to further journeys extending beyond our wildest imaginations!

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Has Your Soul Been Awakened?

Happy Furry Friday!

Happy Furry Friday!

When dealing with people who seem very unaware, remember everyone must find their own way to awakening.

You may be someone who understands the true nature of reality, perceiving deeply that we all emanate from the same source, that we’re all essentially one & that we’re here on earth to love one another. To understand this is to be awakened to the true nature of the self & it is a blessing. Nevertheless, people who just don’t get it are seemingly everywhere and, often, in positions of power. It can be frustrating & painful to watch them behave unconsciously. We all encounter individuals of this bent in our families, at work & in all areas of public life. It’s easy to find ourselves feeling intolerant of these people, wishing we could be free of them, even though we know separation from them is an illusion.

Sometimes, it helps to think of all of us as different parts of one psyche. Just as within our own hearts & minds, we have dark places in need of healing, the heart & mind of the world has its dark places. The health of the whole organism depends upon the relative health of the individuals within it. We increase harmony when we hold onto the light, not allowing it to be darkened by judgment, anger & fear about those who behave unconsciously. It’s easier to accomplish this if we don’t focus on the negative qualities of individuals, instead focusing on how increasing our own light will increase the light of the overall picture.
When dealing with people who seem very unconscious, it helps to remember every one must find their own way to awakening & that the experiences they’re having are an essential part of their process. Holding them in the light of our own energy may be the best way to awaken theirs. At the same time, we’re inspired by their example to look within and shed light on our own unconscious places, sacrificing the urge to judge and surrendering instead to humble self-inquiry. When all else fails, we have our furry friends to call upon for unconditional love & acceptance. Enjoy your weekend, remembering to make every moment count.

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A Marriage of Opposites.









Letting go of your need to control can help you forge bonds of companionship making you feel wonderfully secure. Though it’s easy to assume the best defense against uncertainty is to be in power, working in tandem with others—rather than exerting authority over them—can give you the security of knowing that they’re on your side.

Instead of becoming your competitors or challengers, they become team members that can lend you strength when you need it, offer you guidance when necessary, & lift your spirits. Letting go of the need to be in control & working side by side with others will give you the support and feeling of security you need to achieve your goals.

The same holds true in design. Don’t be afraid to “let go” and be fluid in your pairings. What made us happy as children can still put a smile on our lips. Mixing old with new, fun with serious and bright with dull can open a whole other world of possibilities you may not ever have imagined possible. It is in learning to let go where the marriage of opposites comes alive and dazzles. Have fun!

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Expectations and Preconceived Notions.

Many of us don’t take the time to notice or acknowledge how beautiful we are as human beings. We may be great lovers of beauty, seeing it in the people, places & things around us, while completely missing it in ourselves. Some of us feel it vain to consider our appearance too much, or we may find when we look at ourselves, all we see are imperfections. Often we come to the mirror with expectations & preconceived notions about beauty that blind us from seeing ourselves clearly. As a result, we miss the beauty closest to us, the beauty we are. Sometimes we see our beauty in a shallow way, noticing how well we are conforming to social norms, but failing to see the deeper beauty shining out from within & that’ll continue to shine regardless of how we measure up to society’s ideal.

If we can cut through all these obstacles & simply appreciate how beautiful we are, we free up so much energy. We also become less dependent upon the opinions and feedback of others since we become our own greatest admirers. Many of us know after a great yoga practice or a long, deep meditation, we’re more able to see how beautiful we are. This is because we have released some of our baggage, thus unburdening ourselves & summoning forth the spirit that dwells within us. It is the heady combination of the divine spirit & the human body that conveys beauty more accurately than anything else.

To keep ourselves in touch with our own beauty, we can surround ourselves with images that reflect our beauty back to us—photos of a relative or child who has our eyes, images of teachers who embody spirit, or self-portraits that capture our essence in a way that allows us to see ourselves anew. The best way to keep ourselves in touch with our own beauty is to keep looking deeply into our own souls & opening our eyes to the human being we see in the mirror every day.


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When we Live Fully in the Moment There’s an Aliveness that Comes Easily.

photo: Katie Aaberg

photo: Katie Aaberg

When we’re fully present, we offer our whole selves to whatever it is we’re doing. Our attention, our integrity & our energy are all focused in the moment and on the task at hand. This is a powerful experience & when we’re in this state, we feel completely alive & invigorated. This kind of aliveness comes easily when we’re absorbed in work or play we love, but it’s available to us in every moment, and we can learn to summon it regardless of what we’re doing. Even tasks or jobs we don’t enjoy can become infused with the light of being present. The more present we are, the more meaningful our lives become.

Next time you find yourself fully engaged in the moment, whether you are making art, trying to solve an interesting puzzle, or talking to your best friend, you may want to take a moment to notice how you feel. You may observe that you’re not thinking about what you need to do next, your body feels like it’s pleasantly humming, or your brain feels tingly. As you enjoy the feeling of being located entirely in the present moment, you can inform yourself you may try to recall this feeling later. You might try this while driving home or getting ready for bed, allowing yourself to be just as engaged in that experience as you were in the earlier one.

The more we draw ourselves into the present moment, the more we honor the gift of our lives & the people around us. When we’re fully present, we give & receive aliveness in equal measure. For today, try to be fully present in your daily activities & watch a new reality open.

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All the Decorating in the World Can’t Hide an Architectural Flaw.

You may be feeling an appreciation for your uniqueness and find it easy to come up with innovative solutions to problems, or you could simply feel inspired about the qualities that set you apart from others. In order to honor this new mind-set, you may want to try experimenting with methods of self-expression. You could spend some time writing, painting, or even enrolling in some dance lessons. Simply close your eyes and call up a vision of yourself in your mind’s eye. Imagine brilliantly colored energy flowing from the universe into you. Make this energy any color that inspires you, and feel it filling you with joy, lifting your spirits, and awakening your creativity. Now surround yourself with this color.

As we honor our individuals uniqueness, we connect more deeply with our authentic selves & awaken our creative spirit. While we may often feel too busy or distracted to spend time honoring our uniqueness, making an effort to do so can enrich our lives beyond measure. As we take time to express ourselves creatively & honor our authentic selves, we begin to experience our lives in a more meaningful and profound way. We’re able to engage more deeply in each moment, grow further into ourselves as individuals, and share more of ourselves with others. As in architecture, all the decorating in the world can not hide a structural flaw, by beginning to follow the urgings of your heart & honoring your uniqueness, you can awaken your authentic self and begin to express the true beauty of your spirit.

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A Home for the Mind and Body.

You may find yourself feeling frustrated and impatient in your interactions with others. You might experience misunderstandings & miscommunications and this could leave you feeling like you want to withdraw from the world. While you may not be able to set aside all of your obligations, you might find it beneficial to escape from tension & enjoy a short period of personal time today.

Consider a restorative intermission in which you can pursue activities that soothe your nerves & fill you with a sense of peacefulness. Ideal pastimes would be calming meditation, quiet reading, or inspiring visualization. When you emerge from these activities, you should find you feel stronger & better able to connect with others in productive ways.

Taking a break from stressful circumstances can clear our minds, lift our spirits, and return a sense of harmony to our interactions with others. We often feel obligated to continue with our normal activities even when we’re feeling overwhelmed & frustrated. By giving ourselves permission to take a short break from stress, we’re able to gain control over our emotions and foster a more positive mind-set.

Engaging in restorative activities like meditation & visualization also help us release tension & clear our minds of scattered thoughts, which can improve our communications with others. With lifted spirits and a clearer focus, we’re able to continue our normal activities feeling refreshed & renewed. Your activities can become peaceful and productive if you make time for a restorative intermission. Creating a home containing food and fire for both the mind & the body will help restore your soul.

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